From the depths we will cry today and the LORD will hear us
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Psalm 130 is part of the fifteen Psalms of ascents. (120-134)
With praises sung by pilgrims on the way up to Jerusalem to worship the LORD. Deuteronomy 16:16 says:
16 Three times in the year all your men will appear before the LORD Your GOD, in the place that HE chooses: at the Feast of Unleavened Bread, at the Feast of Weeks, and at the Feast of Tabernacles. They will not appear empty before the LORD.
Let's descend into the depths of Psalm 130.
You are suffering at rock bottom, what to do?
In fact, this Psalm was one of the favorites of Saint Augustine, Luther and Calvin, and also of my mother.
Psalm 130 deals with the modesty of simplicity of stripping. Better to say Humility.
Expectations, hopes, possibilities, promises, alternatives. Better to say Hope.
From rescue to Salvation. Better to say Redemption.
These Psalms of ascents were short, very joyful and full of hope.
It will take us at this moment to reflect on our walk with GOD.
Rejoice! Rise from this depth of pain and suffering.
1st Point: Cry (prayer) Psalm 130:1-2
1 From the depths I cry to You, O LORD.
2 LORD, hear my voice; let Your ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications, what should we do?
In the struggles and difficulties of life, what should you do? We must pray fervently.
Always be willing to pray like Daniel; willing to pray in faith; to pray according to GOD's will and willing to wait patiently for the answer.
2nd Point: Humility
Psalm 130:3-4
3 If You, O LORD, observe iniquities, O LORD, who will stand?
4 But forgiveness is with you, so that you may be feared.
In the verses above we can see how inadequate we are before the FATHER.
We will certainly die in the deep waters. But thanks to His Grace, we can be rescued. How important our humility before GOD is. We must humble ourselves before the LORD always. James 4:10 says:
10 Humble yourselves before the LORD, and HE will exalt you.
3rd POINT: Hope
Psalm 130:5-6
5 I wait for the LORD; my soul awaits Him, and I hope in His Word.
6 My soul longs for the LORD more than the watchmen for the breaking of the morning, even more than the watchmen for the morning.
These verses mentioned above bring us what message?
Definitely a message of hope. A hope in the FATHER’s forgiveness.
Tomorrow comes for the guards. It also comes to us, if we wait for HIM.
Relief comes in our trust, in His Mercy and Grace.
4th Point: Redemption
Salo 130: 7-8
7 Wait, O Israel, in the LORD! For with THE LORD is lovingkindness, and with HIM is abundant redemption;
8 and HE will redeem Israel from all her iniquities.
In the verses mentioned there is the wonderful promise of Redemption, forgiving our sins.
Let us be like those pilgrims who went up to Jerusalem with great joy and great hope in His Mercy and also in His Redemption. They came back different. How will you come out after this wonderful study? So simple, but powerful in GOD? That like those who went up to Jerusalem and returned full of His presence, so you too, when you leave here, go out to live a new life.
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Praying for you and family.
watch my video where I will explain in detail the Word you just read. Click here
With love in CHRIST,
Missionary Helper Freitas
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