In this burning furnace there is someone with you

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Daniel 3:8-10 8 Now at that time some Chaldean men came and accused the Jews. 9 And they said to king Nebuchadnezzar, O king, live forever. 10 You, O king, made a decree, that every man who heard the sound of the trumpet, the flute, the harp, the lyre, the psaltery, the bagpipe, and all kinds of music, would fall down and worship the golden statue. When the sound of all sorts of instruments and music was heard, everyone would have to prostrate themselves and worship the golden statue that the king ordered to be made for his glory. I ask you a question now: How can you overcome the challenge of having to be thrown into a burning furnace? Three young captives in a strange land, in Babylon, faced with the most “powerful” king of his time and could still challenge him, why? Because they trusted in their GOD. These were their names: Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah. Their names were Jewish and had connotations referring to the Almighty GOD. Their names were changed so that the connotation was Babylonian, a reference to the gods of this pagan nation. They were Jewish princes taken captive to Babylon as I already said. What would be your reaction in a situation like this? Have you faced challenges mainly because you are a servant of the LORD GOD? What furnace is threatening you right now as you read this text? Are there secrets to beating a furnace? I don't know if at this moment you are captive to something, someone, an addiction. If you are being threatened and about to be thrown into a furnace. But, there are secrets to overcoming any and all furnaces in our lives. 1st Secret: Have the mark of GOD in you, in your heart: these captive men had their names changed, but not their identities. They had in them the mark of the LIVING GOD. |Why did they change their names? As I said, just to reinforce I repeat that their names had meanings referring to GOD and worship of HIM. Their names were changed, but not their identities, because they bore the mark of the True GOD. What is the real importance? Servants of the ALMIGHTY! Even in the furnace this mark of CHRIST will be on you, understand? 2nd Secret: Being faithful to GOD in the face of a great threat they remained firm with the decision made not to prostrate themselves before the golden image. 3rd Secret: Have faith What furnace do you face today that GOD can rescue you from? Pray, then, and have faith and you will be free from this situation. People who have faith will always be tested, but know that as the presence of the LIVING GOD was manifested in that furnace, so will it be in your life and mine. Also know that the more you say no to the world, the more the furnace will heat up, don't give up on serving GOD. Stay strong and the name of our GOD will be glorified, do you want this? Me too, hallelujah! 4th Secret: Be sure that there is no other GOD greater King Nebuchadnezzar was defying ALMIGHTY GOD. It is not us who are challenged, but our GOD. Our challenge is to prove that we will not give up serving this GOD, Creator of all things. It is necessary that through our faith and attitude, HE sees our determination and thus also wants to serve HIM. So it happened. When the king saw that those three young men did not bend and nothing happened to them, they were freed from the flames and there was still in that furnace a fourth man with the appearance of the “son of the gods”, an expression of that pagan king who knew nothing about the power of the gods. our God. But he then ordered that in all that province and kingdoms (nations) or languages ​​that if anyone said any blasphemy against the GOD of these three young men he would be destroyed. Our GOD was known by the faith of these men. Let our GOD be known by your testimony that HE is the One and True GOD. Here are the four secrets to beating a furnace 1st The mark of GOD on you 2nd Be faithful to GOD 3rd Have faith 4th Be sure that there is no other Greater GOD..
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With love in CHRIST,
Missionary Helper Freitas

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