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KNOW THE PLAN OF SALVATION (Have a Bible in hand and, if possible, write it down in a notebook) Bible text: 1 Peter 1:18-21 1. Where did the plan of salvation originate? Even before man sinned, God devised this plan. Even before the foundation of the world. Never forget, GOD knows all things. 2. The main reason for the plan of salvation This love of GOD, which we cannot understand or discern the dimension of it, I believe in glory we will understand in the near future. His plan to save mankind did not come as a result of the sin of our first parents, Adam and Eve, but rather of their love. It was not simply a fatality, an emergency. The Revelation of the Plan of Salvation The plan of salvation for sinful man was the recipe created from eternity. God Himself said He had provided this plan. A plan that would be realized in the fullness of time. This would happen through the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, His Only Begotten Son. The cure for sin and consequently for for the sinner it is in Christ Jesus. John 1:1-14. See verses 10 and 11. We can see that the world does not know Jesus as the Creator, the Light and the Word, God. In verse 5, we can see the condition of the world, the world is in darkness, but the Light prevails. There is a solution, and that is contained in God's Word, the Bible. In verse 1: the Word, JESUS, He became flesh. In verse 12: Receive Jesus as Savior, believe in His Name. The decision of man vv 12: To receive Him as the only and sufficient Savior or not. vv 5: To stay in or out of darkness. vv 10: Seek to know Him. vv 11: Do not receive Him. The result then will be: To be made a child of GOD or to continue in the darkness of sin. John 3:15-21 Man without God vv 18: Does not believe in the name of the only begotten Son GOD. vv 19-20: Do evil vv 18: He is condemned vv 19: Love darkness rather than light. What, then, is man to do without Jesus? vv 16: God gave His only Son who believes in Him does not perish, but has eternal life assured. So what will your decision be? Believe in the Light, Jesus, or remain in darkness? Result will be: vv 16 To have eternal life if you believe that moment you will no longer be judged. . You need to know that: (keep following along in your Bible) In Romans 3:10: There is no one righteous who does good and never sins. vv 23: It says that all have sinned - have departed from the glory of GOD. vv 12: They walk away from God. Romans 5:12: Sin brought death. Romans 6:23: The wages of sin is death. What's the solution, then? Romans 5:8: GOD proves His love for us; Christ died to save sinners. Romans 6:23: GOD gives eternal life in the person of Christ The right decision to make vv 9: To confess Jesus as Savior, Lord, to believe that God raised Him from the dead. vv13: Call on His Name What is the result? Everyone who believes in Him is saved, and never an eternal perdition if he rejects this great salvation. vv 18: If you believe in Him, you will not be put to shame. You can now evangelize lives with this short study. If you haven't received Jesus as your Savior, now is the time. Surrender to HIM. Ask Him to forgive your sins and put your new name in the Book of Life. From now on, look for an Evangelical Church where you preach the genuine Gospel. Ask that colleague of yours, that neighbor, that person you know is close to Jesus and he will be happy to help you. You've already wasted a lot of time, don't delay any longer. 
With love in Christ,
Missionary Help of Christians Freitas  

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