Exercise the true Christian life   My YouTube channel

You may have heard someone say: so-and-so has a good life! But what is the parameter used for this understanding? What might be good for you might not be good for someone else. It may not have the same meaning for a believer and an unbeliever. For the unbeliever it's having a lot of money, it's enjoying the goods of this world without worrying about eternity. And for the believer it is just to inherit salvation in Christ and the other things will be added. We do not value material possessions and achievements in this world as priorities in life. True happiness for the Christian lies in living a life in the presence of the LORD, keeping His commandments, and looking forward to eternity.
Develop this life with GOD
• If you haven't had a real encounter with CHRIST, do it now. Ask Him to come into your life, forgive your sins and thus secure eternal life with Him. JESUS said: I am the way, and the truth and the life no one comes to the FATHER but through me (John 14:6) It leads us to the understanding that if you truly want to approach God the only way is through JESUS CHRIST. Then confess your sins and ask Him to forgive you for all your sins and start living a real Christian life. • Whether you received salvation in your heart now or you who received it many years ago, it doesn't matter, GOD wants us to have a life of communion with Him that our bonds are strengthened with the reading of the Word and prayer. In the Bible you will find words of eternal life as it says in John 6:68 ” Simon Peter answered him, LORD, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.”
• Lead a Christian life by treating everyone with love, kindness, and mercy. • Never allow materialism to take over you. The Word says in 1 John 2:15 “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the FATHER's love is not in him.
• Serving is a wonderful thing so be exercising your Christian life helping those in need. It will make you a better servant of God and you will discover your fullness and purpose in this world. • And don't forget the importance of witnessing to the GOD who saved you. Tell as many people as possible about your new birth. Share your faith, always witness!
Exercise your Christian life faithfully to biblical principles and LIVE WINNING!
With love in Christ,
Missionary Auxiliadora Freitas 

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Não tenha medo, tenha amor! O verdadeiro Amor lança fora todo o medo.

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Encontre aqui os melhores livros da Autora Americana Joyce Meyer:

Eu e minha BOCA GRANDE - Escolha calar e ser um vencedor

O campo de BATALHA DA MENTE - não deixe o inimigo vencer nesse campo

Crie BONS HÁBITOS - A repetição é o segredo!

Há um verdadeiro amor para todas as nações veja aqui

There is a true love for all nations see here Hay un

verdadero amor por todas las naciones, mira aquí. 

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