facing a storm   My YouTube channel

Have you ever caught or seen a spring being compressed, or a rubber band stretched too far? What happens to them when we release the pressure exerted on them? Yes, they revert to the previous state. It doesn't even look like they went through such strong pressure, does it? And what to say about the pole of the Olympic athlete that when jumping bends that it even looks like it will break, but soon returns to normal. Let's have a resilience so that when the storm of your life, the struggles, the problems pass you, go back to the original state. We can weather the worst storms and weather it. We know that some people are stronger than others, but glory to GOD who can lead us in triumph through CHRIST JESUS. 2 Corinthians 2:14 “But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumph, and through us spreads the aroma of his knowledge everywhere.” Let's learn from Jesus himself who went through the worst of the worst pains and won. In a storm we feel isolated, we are afraid of thunder, hail, lightning and everything that accompanies a storm, but one thing is for sure it will not remain forever. So is this situation. Soon it will pass and you will return to your life before it, only with a wonderful baggage of learning, because what you don't understand now you will understand later. GOD will walk with you through this storm and be ready for any and all storms that come your way in the future. John 13:7 says the Word thus: “Jesus answered and said to him, What I do, you do not know now; but then you will understand.” For this, maintain a life of communion with the FATHER and you will soon be free from all the things that came into your life unexpectedly. And believe me, with this new learning you you will get rid of new situations by having the wisdom to avoid them. And those who don't like you already know the way to victory, which is to have constant communion with GOD and a lifestyle of prayer and nothing will be impossible for you, believe and trust.
Face your storms believing that nothing is impossible and LIVE WINNING!

With love in Christ,
Missionary Auxiliadora Freitas 

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