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Is your marriage going well?
HOW IS YOUR MARRIAGE? I CORINTHIANS: 7:3-5 We have failed and lost sight of what marriage is. We forget that about everything that is said about marriage, we must understand that it is an alliance and is for life, of course, except when one of the spouses dies. How have you who know the Word of GOD been living with your spouse? Don't forget that your marriage is also a reference for others. The Bible guides us that we should not abandon the duties of the same and respect the rights of the spouse, with regard to sex as a duty and right, not that this should occur only because it is a duty, or a right, because if two people love each other for sure that duty and right will be pleasant, that both will not even think that they are acting out of simple obligation. We understand that here it has been instructed that man and woman no longer have the right over their bodies, but the spouse does. HE shows us the seriousness of this relationship when he says: even when it is a noble and wonderful reason as is the consecration in fasts and prayers, you must consult the other and if he does not consent, do not make this consecration. If they both consent, it shouldn't be for a long time, lest the devil tempt them. On this day the LORD asks: So why aren't the spouses connected? If there are disagreements in your marriage and miscellaneous problems that are affecting other areas, try to see if the root is not there. My prayer at this moment is that the brother (a) even today without much thinking, take this initiative and see the difference happen and the joy return home and everyone enjoys it and marriages are saved by the testimony of their marriage, not forgetting, however, asking God for forgiveness for having acted wrongly with His commandments as well as apologizing to your spouse and not forgetting to water it all with a sincere prayer, look, don't stop acting today! We know, however, that there are cases and cases, everything then must be placed in the hands of the LORD allowing Him to show the best way forward. “MAY THE LORD PROSPER TODAY HIS INITIATIVE! ”
With love in Christ,
Missionary Auxiliadora Freitas
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Strive, and be encouraged; fear not, nor be dismayed at them, for the LORD your God is he that goeth with you; will not leave you nor forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6

Don't be afraid, have love! True Love casts out all fear.


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