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God is Spirit, and those who worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. The true story of a Pagan group is told. Before, however, we can see the life-giving power of GOD as in Revelation 19:7,8 Let us be glad, and be glad, and give him the glory; for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his bride has prepared herself, Have you ever been to a wedding? Who knows your own? Of course you had to go to your wedding, didn't you? Hahaha. And he was permitted to be arrayed in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous works of the saints. In this text where we can see the countless saving demonstrations of God's grace in the lives of those He called out of darkness into His marvelous light. 1 Peter 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that ye should declare the praises of him that hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. I Peter 2:9. This is especially noticed by the contrast offered to us in the rough heathen lands. Here's an example from the Gold Coast, West Africa: It was Saturday in Agona. Some 500 people had gathered in the makeshift thatched-roof "tabernacle." Ringing a bell and singing the hymns of Zion as they walked from the various directions of the bush, groups of brothers had made their approach heard. The main chief and his entourage were located in the center and everyone listened attentively to the preaching about the love of GOD. On the occasion of the final appeal, the pagans also manifested, by raising their hands, seu desejo de encontrar-se entre os remidos perante o trono de DEUS. A seguir, delegados de nossas igrejas se adiantaram, dando seu testemunho de amor e gratidão. Uma irmã nativa foi para a frente erguendo uma grande efígie de madeira de um sacerdote fetichista, vestido com todos os parlamentas de seu cargo. Em alta voz, cheia de emoção, exclamava: "Esses eram os ídolos que adorávamos antes de conhecer o Deus vivo. Agora, não mais colocamos neles nossa confiança, mas no Criador dos Céus e da Terra, que nos remiu desses poderes que nos mantinham em suas garras. Agradecemos à Missão por nos mandar mensageiros da verdade, e sentimo-nos muito alegres por sermos agora filhos de DEUS!" Foi um poderoso testemunho este, que não deixou de impressionar o auditório pagão, pois não poucos de nossos irmãos eram conhecidos por eles como havendo anteriormente pertencido a seu grupo. Essas pessoas puderam conhecer o DEUS Verdadeiro e assim tornarem-se seus adoradores (1000 ilustrações para pregação). Nosso tema de hoje: Verdadeiros adoradores O que significa adorar a DEUS em espírito e em verdade? No Evangelho de João 4:23,24 Mas a hora vem, e agora é, em que os verdadeiros adoradores adorarão o PAI em espírito e em verdade; porque o PAI procura a tais que assim O adorem. DEUS é Espírito, e é necessário que os que o adoram o adorem em espírito e em verdade. Para alcançarmos a aprovação do PAI assim devemos adorá-LO. Muitos pensam que ler diligentemente a Bíblia e orar está adorando a DEUS em espírito e em verdade. Outros pensam que não faltar aos cultos e está vários dias na congregação é adorar a DEUS em espírito e em verdade. Fique comigo até o final do vídeo e você terá o verdadeiro entendimento do significado de adorar a DEUS em espírito e em verdade, não saia daqui fique até o fim. Outros ainda pensam que fazer, realizar a obra, fazer mensagem em um canal como estou fazendo por exemplo é adorar a DEUS em espírito e em verdade. Todas essas formas na verdade são formas de adoração. Mas será que estamos adorando em espírito e em verdade? Será que não são apenas regras ou rituais?  What do you think of this form of worship? All these things are just external ways of worshiping the LORD. He remembers the Samaritan woman who, worried about how to worship God, wanted to know from Jesus where the perfect place of worship was. John 4:21 says, JESUS ​​said to her, Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming, when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the FATHER. It was very clear here that it doesn't matter where people worship Him. We are not to follow rules, but to worship in spirit and in truth. Not only for others to see how spiritual we are, but for the FATHER himself to approve us for this worship. We try to memorize verses, we go to church in any weather of rain, sun, heat or cold. We organize beautiful programs. When in fact we are so close to Him that He feels the true worship that comes out of our hearts? When do we truly seek understanding of His Words? Just something happens and then they turn away from the LORD. They still sin often. The truth is that in all this time we have not been involved with God in a way that we would worship Him in spirit and in truth. Do you understand that friend brother? Friend Sister? But this is the time for repentance and change! Transform your moments with GOD from now on into a tremendous service of worship in spirit and in truth. Hallelujah! Worshiping GOD is much more than singing a few songs in a period of worship in our churches, in our homes, but it is a real and true worship inspired by HIM himself in everything we do, everything we are doing we must do in spirit and in truth because it is for HIM. HE called us to this. We were born to worship the Living GOD, this lifestyle with GOD, but from today we are, for sure GOD has spoken to your heart and we want more than what we have done, we want more. If we don't have an intimacy with HIM, there's no use in what we're doing, let's not do it if we're going to do it for the sake of doing it. It is not as a consequence of your life with GOD so don't do it, but if you have a life that pleases GOD, you have that life that communion with HIM you are directly connected, connected with the FATHER, with the SON and with the HOLY SPIRIT then you can do everything else because you are still doing it in spirit and in truth. Worship our GOD always, glorify our GOD always. Understand God's love for you and desire to make His will come true. Have joy in your spirit. Jump, dance, sing glorify GOD inside your home. Nobody is seeing better yet. HE IS SEEING, GLORY TO GOD! GOD bless you and that from today you have a real understanding of how to worship the LORD, in spirit and in truth. Prayer We thank FATHER for the opportunity to understand. From today, from now on, say it like this, beloved, beloved, I will only adore you in spirit and in truth. Wherever you are. In my house, in the congregation, doing Your work, doing any other activity, I will be worshiping the LORD in spirit and in truth. Well, in this way I will be pleasing the LORD who has been looking for me without finding me, but from today the LORD finds me in true worship in spirit and in truth. Amen, amen, amen.
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The grace of the LORD JESUS ​​CHRIST, and the love of GOD, and the communion of the HOLY SPIRIT be with you all.
With love in Christ,
Missionary Auxiliadora Freitas
Worship the FATHER in spirit and in truth and LIVE WINNING!
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Strive, and be encouraged; fear not, nor be dismayed at them, for the LORD your God is he that goeth with you; will not leave you nor forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6

Don't be afraid, have love! True Love casts out all fear.


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