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Where's your courage?
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What do we understand about courage: strong morale in the face of danger, risks, bravery, intrepidity. Firmness of mind to face emotional problems or even morally difficult ones? Courage is the ability to act in spite of fear. Courage is the ability to act in spite of fear. What does the Bible say about courage? Who has never felt fear? Have you ever faced a situation that caused you fear? Leave yes or no in the comments below and if you wish, tell us in which situation you felt afraid. We all feel fear at some point. This fear always arises in the face of an imminent situation of real or imagined danger. The first fear reported in the Bible was right after Adam's disobedience in paradise. He was afraid! When he heard the footsteps of God in the garden of Eden, he was afraid and hid. Genesis 3:10 “The man said to him, I heard Your voice in the garden and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.” Adam had reason for this fear, he was wrong, but there are countless imaginary causes in which man is afraid. Don't imagine that the worst will happen to you, to your family, because it happened to other people. Don't attract these things into your real life. Thought with a negative faith can also attract what you are fearing. Job said: What I feared has come upon me! Be careful what you fear, for this you will talk about all the time and it will surely come to you. Reject those thoughts and think thoughts of courage, thoughts of optimism. Don't just have optimistic thoughts and believe that they will come to you, because I tell you: many times your negative faith is stronger than a simple positive thought. Have good thoughts yes, but all signed in your faith in the one who can all things and have courage, everything will be solved. In every situation you go through, your GOD says: do not fear, because I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God; I strengthen Thee, and help Thee, and uphold Thee with the right hand of my righteousness. Hallelujah! This is the GOD who encourages us in all the difficult situations of our lives. God's people did not see a solution. This people had no strategy of war nor powerful weapons, yet our GOD will say: And the LORD commanded Joshua the son of Nun, saying, Be strong and courageous, for you will bring the children of Israel into the land which, with oath, I promised them; I will be with you. (Deuteronomy 31:23) GOD encourages the Apostle Paul says in Acts 23:11  “Na noite seguinte, apresentou-se-lhe o SENHOR e disse: Tem bom ânimo, (tenha coragem): porque, como deste testemunho de mim em Jerusalém, assim importa que o dês também em Roma. Precisa resolver uma situação complicada? Já passou por algo semelhante e o SENHOR foi com você? Não será diferente agora. Como venceu, também vencerá mais uma vez. Não deixe o medo tomar conta de você! Tenha coragem e você com certeza lhe afirmo será mais que vencedor. Oração Querido DEUS, queremos pedir perdão pelos nossos pecados e pela nossa falta de coragem em momentos das nossas vidas. Essa falta de coragem demonstrou claramente nossa falta de fé. Mas neste momento estamos confessando e abandonando nossa covardia e nos imbuímos da fé que move montes e montanhas de problemas, de situações difíceis. I am from now on a fervent believer confident in the ALMIGHTY who guides and guards me and helps me in my decision to live with courage from now on. All will see the change in my words and attitudes. I thank you for the renewed strength within me. I have needs to be met and I believe that everything is in your control, I count on the LORD, see my renewed courage today. I am certainly more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus, amen. The grace of the LORD JESUS ​​CHRIST and the love of GOD and the communion of the HOLY SPIRIT be with you, amen. 
With love in Christ,
Missionary Auxiliadora Freitas
Have courage at all times and LIVE WINNING! Don't forget: Courage is the ability to act in spite of fear. If this word blessed your life, comment here and don't forget to share.

Strive, and be encouraged; fear not, nor be dismayed at them, for the LORD your God is he that goeth with you; will not leave you nor forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6

Don't be afraid, have love! True Love casts out all fear.


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